These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, assignments and agreements between BREUGELMANS BV, with registered office at Sluizenstraat 147, 8450 Bredene ( Belgium) and the customer.
The general terms and conditions form an integral part of the agreement and are decisive for the legal relationship between the parties. Unless expressly provided otherwise in a written agreement between BREUGELMANS BV and the Customer, there can be no deviation therefrom.
By placing an order or by approving the offer, agreement or order form, the customer declares that he has read the general terms and conditions of BREUGELMANS BV and accepts them in full.
Insofar as the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions differ from those contained in the order form, order confirmation or contract, the provisions of the latter shall prevail. The latter take precedence.
The general terms and conditions of BREUGELMANS BV apply to the exclusion of any general terms and conditions of the customer, insofar as these conflict with the provisions of these general terms and conditions.
If a situation arises which is not regulated in these general terms and conditions, it will be interpreted in accordance with general law, taking into account the content of these general terms and conditions. The possible nullity or invalidity of any of the provisions mentioned here shall in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of the agreement or of the General Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.
All offers and proposals made by BREUGELMANS BV are without obligation and are subject to change. Unless otherwise stated in the offer, the offer is valid for 14 calendar days.
Only a quotation or order form signed by the customer after written confirmation by BREUGELMANS BV constitutes a binding agreement. Changes to the agreement are only possible with the written acceptance of BREUGELMANS BV and the customer.
By signing the offer, order confirmation, order form or any other agreement, the customer makes a binding commitment. Any person or company who places orders on behalf of third parties or with the request to invoice them to third parties, makes a declaration to these third parties in accordance with article 1120 C.C. and will be personally liable for payment, even if BREUGELMANS BV has accepted the method of invoicing.
The times indicated are always to be considered as indicative. If they are, they cannot give rise to the dissolution of the agreement or to any form of compensation, nor can they constitute a valid reason for the customer to refuse payment.
The customer is responsible for the communications required for correct invoicing.
Once the order form, quotation or order confirmation has been approved, the customer is obliged to pay.
Deliveries and services are payable in cash. All payments must be made
to the address of the registered office of BREUGELMANS BV.
Payment terms: 50% on approval of quotation, 50% on completion of production and prior to delivery. Written agreements to the contrary are reserved. The order will not be processed until the deposit has been paid in full.
Invoices must be paid within 8 calendar days of the invoice date, without discount or deduction.
Failure to pay by the due date shall automatically and without formal notice incur interest at the rate of 10% from the due date, and compensation of 10% of the amount of the unpaid invoice with a minimum of €50.00 shall be due. This applies by way of compensation for costs other than loss of interest and actual legal costs, without prejudice to the right of BREUGELMANS BV to claim additional compensation.
BREUGELMANS BV reserves the right to suspend the agreement with immediate effect or to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, without the customer being entitled to any compensation from the customer, in the event of failure to pay the invoice on time, without notice of default or judicial intervention.
Remarks concerning the invoice must be communicated to BREUGELMANS BV by registered mail at the latest 8 calendar days after the date of the invoice.
The buyer is obliged to perform the contract. In the event of unilateral cancellation by the buyer, the seller shall be entitled to a lump-sum compensation equal to 50% of the sale price excluding VAT, without prejudice to the seller’s right to prove additional damages.
The seller is released from all liability in the event of force majeure, including but not limited to war, national or international conflict, strike, lockdown, lack of transport equipment or raw materials and fire. Performance of the contract will be suspended in the event of force majeure for the duration of the force majeure, without the buyer being entitled to claim any compensation or to demand cancellation of the agreement from the seller.
We treat your details as confidential and will never pass them on to third parties. You may request, correct, amend or delete your data at any time. Any request, modification or deletion can be made at The most recent version of the privacy policy can always be found on our website